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Tag: Teacher Resources Total: 52 results found.
What People Are Saying About Civics Education
posted by: Alana | November 18, 2016, 05:35 PM


Last week, the United States finished one of the most contentious and bitter elections in recent memory. While there are a lot of things that could be said about the election, one thing that became clear to people on all sides is that the US has neglected teaching civics in its schools. According to The Atlantic:


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Little Rock, Arkansas–The Arkansas State Teachers Association (ASTA), the state’s premier non-union professional association for educators, has entered in to an organizational partnership to co-host the upcoming Arkansas Curriculum Conference (ACC) on November 5-6, 2015 at the Marriott Convention Center in Little Rock. ACC is the Arkansas Department of Education’s (ADE) approved annual professional development curriculum conference for K-12 educators of various subjects. Working alongside the Arkansas Council for Social Studies, Arkansas Council of Teachers of English and Language Arts, Arkansas Council of Teachers of Mathematics, and a vast group of STEM Centers for Math and Science Education, ASTA will connect with a wide range of educators throughout the state to aid them in fostering professionalism through Arkansas’s only state-wide professional conference that spans all four major disciplines.


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Teacher Resource Center: Add Games into Your Classroom
posted by: Ruthie | June 13, 2014, 07:40 PM

Each month, we scour the web to find the best resources for teachers.  This month, we’re looking at ways to add more games into your classroom:

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Google announced their newest product on Teacher Appreciation Day.  It’s not a fancy new piece of wearable tech or an update to their uber-popular Android operating system like one might suspect.  Instead, it’s a piece of software that is aimed to appeal to teachers, students, and schools called Google Classroom.

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Teacher Appreciation Week Discounts
posted by: Ruthie | May 05, 2014, 06:14 PM

Welcome to Teacher Appreciation Week! AAE salutes our wonderful member teachers who go above and beyond everyday for their students! We appreciate your dedication and hard work. This week we will help celebrate by featuring discounts, promotions, and inspiring stories. Below is a list of teacher discounts:

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It only takes a quick visit to the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards website to see that they’ve been undergoing changes recently.  The website itself has been completely redesigned, making it much easier to find information about their teaching certification.

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Guest Post: Top Five Free Educational Apps
posted by: Ruthie | April 08, 2014, 09:31 PM

In today's technological society, a growing number of children engage in daily use of smartphones and other handheld devices, providing a unique opportunity for teachers to integrate learning and technology. Below is a list of five, free educational apps, which can be easily integrated into lesson plans and used to cultivate interest in educational subjects.

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By this point, anyone paying attention to trends in education is familiar with the concept of a flipped classroom.  In this model, the teacher assigns the lectures as "homework” in video form and then works with the students by going through what usually would have been assigned for homework in class.  The model has a lot of advantages.  It allows students to work at their own pace, and for the teacher to give extra help where it’s needed.

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The Best of Teaching Channel
posted by: Ruthie | March 14, 2014, 08:58 PM

The Teaching Channel is one of those resources that has sprung up over the past few years and has really begun to shine.  It’s a unique case where teachers can find practical lesson plans, classroom management tools, and pedagogical tips from other teachers in a professional and easy to navigate way.  I’ve yet to be disappointed in anything that Teaching Channel puts out, but with so many high quality videos a teacher with limited time may not know where to start.  Here’s a few of my suggestions:

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Each month, we select the top picks from our PD Calendar and share them with you.  This month we looked at the top picks for English language arts and social studies. For more opportunities in a wide variety of subjects, check out our professional development calendar.

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Education researchers has been busy the past few months with new studies that explore the effects of kindergarten, single-gender classes, and extended school time, along with the effects of teacher assistants, sports, bullying, and more.  We’ve outlined some of the most interesting research below:

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Innovative Classroom Furniture for a New Age
posted by: Ruthie | January 22, 2014, 08:39 PM
Quick! I say classroom furniture and you think–desks and chairs. The traditional student desk has been the mainstay of classrooms for well over 100 years. Popularized by the factory model of education, this piece of furniture was ideal for keeping classes in nice, neat rows. Since school work at the time focused on individual achievement and not collaboration, the fact that an individual desk also gave each student their own workspace was ideal.   Continue Reading...
Resources for Close Reading
posted by: Melissa | January 10, 2014, 06:03 PM

While the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts never mention close reading by name as a strategy to use, it is clear by reading the standards and the accompanying documents that this method remains one of the best at reaching the goals CCSS sets forth.  For this reason, states and organizations dedicated to the implementation of CCSS are trumpeting this strategy as “the one” to use in English-Language Arts.  Unfortunately, many teachers remain confused on how to implement close reading in their classroom.

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ASTA Monthly Announcements
posted by: Ruthie | December 19, 2013, 06:46 PM

We hope this finds you enjoying your holidays and looking forward to a Merry Christmas!

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Inspiration for the New Year: Picks from our PD Calendar
posted by: Ruthie | December 18, 2013, 04:36 PM

Our Professional Development Calendar is filled with the best opportunities to help you improve your practice. This month, we’re looking at opportunities that inspire.

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Are You a Connected Educator?
posted by: Ruthie | September 27, 2013, 04:26 PM
Feelings of isolation have long been among the most common complaints of being a teacher. Recently it's become more and more clear that when educators collaborate, the art of teaching is raised and students reap the rewards.   Continue Reading...
September Resources: Youtube for the Classroom
posted by: Ruthie | September 25, 2013, 06:04 PM

Whether you’re looking into flipping your classroom or you just want to spice up a lesson, short, content-rich video is the way to go.  If you’re looking for the perfect clip to get your students excited about your subject, check out this list of our favorite Youtube channels:   Continue Reading...
Professional Development and Online Courses
posted by: Ruthie | September 11, 2013, 05:57 PM
With the announcement of Google and EdX joining forces to provide online courses, opportunities to take courses online, either for free or pay, continues to expand. For teachers, this provides an easy way to keep on top of their craft through professional development. While not every site offering online courses have courses that teachers can use for professional development, many do.   Continue Reading...
Looking for a New Incentive Program? Try Badges
posted by: Ruthie | August 21, 2013, 06:39 PM

If only because of the popularity of Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, nearly everyone is familiar with the concept of badges.  Even if you’ve never participated in these programs, at the mention of ‘badges’ you probably visualize a sash with round pieces of embroidered cloth sown on.  This rather old-school way of showing off a person’s accomplishments transitioned into the computer age through the creation of digital badges, and now these digital badges are emerging in schools across the country as a way to incentive students.

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In the midst of going through your materials, setting up your bulletin boards, and writing new lessons, check out these websites which can help you add a little flash to the new school year.

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